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Bees’ Knees Small Group Acupuncture Clinic

Are you having a hard time walking up stairs due to  knee pain?  Have you stopped your daily walk because your knees simply hurt too much? Afraid to go to a yoga class because of  knee pain? Stopped your daily run due to knee pain or knee injury? Miss walking every week with your friends?

Beginning on January 23, 2015 the Bees’ Knees Specialty Clinic will treat 8 folks at a time in a private, casual and comfortable setting: Saguaro Clinic.  Five sessions are $175.  From 1-3 pm every Friday except holidays Debi Malone, L. Ac. and Helene Sorkin, L. Ac. are treating people to get them moving again indoors and outdoors too. We will use acupuncture or beads and/or cold laser therapy. We know how important it is to your happiness and life satisfaction to be able to keep moving in the ways we all treasure most.  For daily life to be simple, more possible and joyous. Please call to arrange your space.  Only 8 spaces — they will go fast. If you miss this one, there will be another immediately after in March 2015.  We plan to see you there. Please join us.

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