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LED Light Therapy & Acupuncture: A Perfect Pairing

LED Light Therapy & Acupuncture: A Perfect Pairing

Acupuncture is a proven treatment option when it comes to dealing with a host of health problems, from allergies to depression to chronic pain. Acupuncture is the key to restoring the body’s energy flow and achieving balance. Acupuncturists also may use herbal remedies, acupressure massage, and other modalities like LED light therapy to enhance their treatment and get improved outcomes for their patients.  continue reading »

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What is Electroacupuncture?

What is Electroacupuncture?

While you might be familiar with what acupuncture is, have you ever heard of electroacupuncture? Just like traditional acupuncture, electroacupuncture uses needles on various acupuncture points. The difference comes in that with electroacupuncture, a small electrode is attached to the needles which allows a small amount of electricity to pass through, giving a slight vibration or low hum during treatment. 

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Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Management

Acupuncture for Healthy Weight Management

Different weight loss drugs and diets are always coming into and out of fashion as different celebrities endorse different programs and plans. If you are looking for a long-term, drug-free solution, acupuncture just might be the perfect fit for you.  continue reading »

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8 Benefits of Practicing Regular Meditation

8 Benefits of Practicing Regular Meditation

Meditation has a reputation for several health benefits but here are the top eight reasons establishing a regular meditation routine can improve your overall health and wellbeing. But first, what is meditation? It is defined as the regular process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. continue reading »

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Acupuncture and Peripheral Neuropathy Relief

Acupuncture and Peripheral Neuropathy Relief

According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 20 million people in the United States suffer from peripheral neuropathy. The NIH also notes that it is particularly common among those suffering from diabetes. So, what is peripheral neuropathy and can acupuncture help to relieve its symptoms? continue reading »

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Acupuncture for Treating Addiction

Acupuncture for Treating Addiction

People seeking treatment for addiction typically have a complex road to recovery. Everyone’s story is different, and people have different needs and respond to treatment in their own time and in their own way. What many people might not be familiar with are the supplemental therapies that can be used to help promote healing and recovery. One of those supplemental therapies is the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) acupuncture protocol. continue reading »

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What to Expect at Your First Acupuncture Appointment

What to Expect at Your First Acupuncture Appointment

Just like every patient is unique with specific needs and expectations, every practitioner is also unique with specific needs and expectations. If acupuncture is a new experience for you, you might be wondering what to expect. While not every practice is the same, there are a few general principles that will guide your first appointment.  continue reading »

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6 Acupressure Points to Help Manage Your Asthma

6 Acupressure Points to Help Manage Your Asthma

If you or a family member suffer from asthma, you might be looking for another alternative to the typical treatment options. With little to know side effects, acupuncture and acupressure just might be what you have been looking for. There are actually six common acupressure points that can help you manage your asthma symptoms.  continue reading »

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Three Tips to Staying Active at Any Age

Three Tips to Staying Active at Any Age

Staying active as a teenager and young adult is never an issue, but as we age, it can be a challenge to keep moving, especially if you suffer from a health condition or injury. However, it’s important to keep yourself moving as it can lead to a host of physical and mental health benefits. Follow these three tips to stay active no matter what your age or fitness level. continue reading »

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Facial Rejuvenation with Cosmetic Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation with Cosmetic Acupuncture

There are countless articles and research papers on the benefits of acupuncture, but did you know that it can also be used to combat the signs of aging? A natural alternative to surgery or Botox, facial acupuncture is merely an extension of traditional acupuncture and Chinese medicine philosophy. 

Unlike an injection of Botox or some other filler, facial acupuncture addresses not just the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles but it also helps to restore your skin’s overall health. Now, you might be worried about acupuncture needles placed in your face, but acupuncture is safe and effective and is recognized by the World Health Organization and there are established guidelines for practice just like any other health profession. Practitioners are also licensed by their state’s department of health so you can be confident that you are in good hands.  continue reading »

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