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Helene Sorkin, L.Ac., MSOM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)

My goal as your acupuncturist is to assist you with your specific needs. Asian Medicine allows me to tailor treatments to you as an individual. I also believe listening deeply to you and really seeing you are keys to this goal.

I am an Arizona licensed acupuncturist and am National Board Certified (NCCAOM), attending several seminars every year to deepen my understanding of this amazing medicine and how best to apply it to every patient.

Background:  I came to Asian Medicine  26 years ago when I had an unexplained condition that created muscular and joint pain with severe muscle weakness. I found my way to acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage therapy, acupressure and muscle testing. Looking at the roster of practitioners at this Clinic, you will see I have  brought these modalities together at Saguaro Clinic to benefit you as well. We all do our best to make each visit pleasant, convenient and as rewarding as possible.

Specializations:  the treatment of  allergies, traumatic head injury, shoulder pain and  pain residue from car accidents. Non-needle treatments are also available.


With every good wish for you,

Helene Sorkin, L. Ac, MSOM, NCCAOM

Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, International Institute of Chinese Medicine, Santa Fe, NM 1996 Diplomat in Acupuncture (NCCAOM) 1996

NADA Certification 1996

Massachusetts Acupuncture License, Inactive, #576

Certified Acupressure Practitioner

B.A. Degree, State University of New York, Oneonta

(520) 319-9711 Directions Contact/Schedule